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Your CMEC membership is subject to the following standards and policies:

    You must accept and follow by our Terms of Use.

    Your membership is an annual membership, and is active from the date you enroll through June 30 of the following year. You may terminate your membership at any time by emailing us at support@thecmec.org; however, all membership fees are non-refundable.

    Memberships are limited to individual families. Membership resources may not be shared with any others, including friends and classmates, except where permission is expressly granted either in our content or via email to support@thecmec.org.

    We offer a variety of live online meetings each year. For all of these meetings, you should understand the following:  

    • Participation is voluntary.
    • We may record meetings. You may choose whether to enable your microphone and/or camera.
    •  Names of attendees may be displayed to other attendees.
    •  Attendees may chat publicly or privately, and a meeting's public chat log may be available for download by attendees.
    •  Any content you share during meetings should be in accord with our Terms of Use.
    • Other attendees may introduce objectionable content, and we have no responsibility for the actions or content of any attendee. 
    • You may not share links or dial-in information for any meeting with others.

    You may not download or capture in a different form any of the videos, audio files, page layouts or images on our website. These may only be viewed and accessed directly on our site through your membership. Our Retreat Package audio files purchased through our online store can be downloaded for personal use only.

    We are not experts. We provide access to information and resources, but we are not responsible for the contents of such information and resources. This includes any support offered by our Form Leaders. 

    We also do not guarantee any minimum level of support. We reserve the right to adjust our schedule of meetings as needed, to add and remove content from our website, and to change the ways we communicate with members based on the needs of our team and community.

    Our content is proprietary and is the result of much effort and intellectual work. Anything you share about the CMEC (including, but not limited to, on social media) should take this into account.

    We have no formal affiliation with any community groups (e.g., “TBG Groups,” Mason co-ops, etc.) that have been privately created by our members and we have no responsibility for the acts or omissions of any such groups.

    While you have no obligation to do so, we welcome you to share images and videos of your homeschool with us. By providing them to us (including via email, a direct upload to the site or by any other means), you agree that we may copy, edit, record, combine, publish, distribute or otherwise use and disclose such materials (including the use of your name, likeness, portrait or picture, voice and biographical information, if provided by you) on the member-access pages of our website at our discretion without further permission. In some instances, we might like to use an image or video in our public content (e.g., in printed publications, in multimedia presentations, on websites, on social media, or in another medium). In this case we will contact you to request your permission to use the materials publicly, which you may decline. You waive the right to any compensation or royalties in connection with any and all such use including as part of our member-access or as permitted public content.

    Our content includes educational material suitable for different age groups. Certain parents may find certain content unsuitable for certain children. Therefore, you should review all content before providing it to any children in order for you to make an independent judgment as to suitability and appropriateness in the specific context.

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    Copyright Charlotte Mason Educational Center 2017

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